Nutrition in Varicose

One of the underlying factors of varicose is the increase of pressure inside the digestive tract, which is mainly due to the constipation.

Therefore, one of the important nutritional factors  in varicose is controlling constipation. Maintaining the vein wall strength is among the

important factors both in relieving the symptoms of the disease and nutrition in varicose.


Which Kinds of Foods Are Nutrient?

Treating constipation is the first step in healing. Constipation would increase the pressure on shin vein and leads to the varicose. A diet rich

in fiber would reduce constipation and prevents varicose.

In order to increase stool bulk and prevent constipation, especially in the breakfast meal, consuming cereal husks, husk bread such as

Sangak, pasta, and rice is recommended. Cereal rich in insoluble fiber would increase stool bulk and stores water. Such a stool which is

softer and larger would pass through the digestive tract more easily.

Therefore, there would be less pressure on shin vein. It`s important to know that the more fiber in one`s diet, the more water should be

consumed. Such people are recommended to consume at least 6 glasses of water daily.

The most important part of the diet in the patients who suffer from the varicose vein is abundant consumption of fresh vegetables. Cabbage,

lettuce, spinach, and all the fresh leafy green vegetables are of the best. Leafy green vegetables and all kinds of cabbage are especially

important during pregnancy because of providing insoluble fiber. In fact, in pregnancy, high levels of progesterone would slow colonic

contractions and increases the probability of constipation. Moreover, colored vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, and all kinds of bell

peppers are rich in fiber.

نوشیدن آب

Nutrition in Varicose and the Nutrient Snacks

In addition to the main principles that should be observed in the patient`s basic food, snack foods are also of vital importance. Consuming at

least two snack foods like fig, apricot, barberry, and prune during a day can play a vital role in controlling of varicose by relieving

constipation and reducing the pressure of the digestive system. (According to Dr. Shida Aramesh)

Which Kinds of Foods Should Be Avoided?

Butter, margarine, oils, cakes, cookies, chocolates, pies, and biscuits are rich in fat and provide a lot of energy; they may increase weight

and varicose veins. Each kind of foods that may cause constipation should be consumed less or combined less with the lenient foods. (The

main lenient foods include prune, fig, and barberry).

Maintaining the Vein Wall Strength:

Which Kinds of Foods Are Nutrient?

Vitamin C

 This vitamin is essential for the maintenance of collagen. Collagen is the substance that protects the vessel wall. Lack of

vitamin C in one`s diet leads to the rupture of the small veins; it worsen varicose veins.

Citrus fruits, especially oranges and grapefruit, along with the fresh lemon, blackberry, strawberry, capsicum, and all kinds of leafy green

vegetables are rich in vitamin C.

[over weight


 Cyanidin plays an important protecting role in strengthening the vein wall; it also prevents both the leak in the leg varicose

veins and the swelling.

Fruits and vegetables such as grape, berry, blackberry, wild raspberry, cranberry, raspberry, apple, plum, purple cabbage, and red onion are

rich in cyanidin.

For more information about cyanidin, refer to the section (Learn More) of the below page.

Fatty Acids

 Nuts, seeds and oily fish contain the essential fatty acids; consuming some of these foods on a daily basis would be necessary

for strengthening of the vein walls

Learn More:

Nutrition in Varicose – What is Cyanidin?

Cyanidin [1] is a natural organic compound that is responsible for the change of color in many species of red berries; it is a powerful

antioxidant as well. Anti cyanidin is also a member of the pigment categories that is admired for its curative properties for human beings. In

addition to its antioxidant property, cyanidin has an anti-inflammatory function; it is also effective in the treatment of the diabetes,

cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers. Cyanidin is naturally found in many fruits and berries; it is also available as a dietary supplement.

This plant has a water-soluble pigment and the standard living structure for phytochemicals [2] – the chemical compound that is naturally

found in plants. The exact shadow of the cyanidin would produce red, reddish blue, or reddish orange in plants; of course, it is totally

dependent on the pH [3] of the solution. The maximum thick level of cyanidin is found in the red-skinned fruits. Fruits and vegetables such

as grape, berry, blackberry, wild raspberry, cranberry, raspberry, apple, plum, purple cabbage, and red onion are rich in cyanidin.

Cyanidin is considered as strongly powerful antioxidant in a dietary supplement. It is much more effective than vitamin C [4] and E [5]; it

can prevent the harmful risk of free radicals. Moreover, it protects the cells from oxidation. According to the studies, cyanidin can even go

higher than this; it can be an effective antitoxin agent struggling with the harmful mycotoxin [6] in the body.

[1] Cyanidin

[2] Phytochemical

[3] PH

[4] C

[5] E

[6] Mycotoxin

دمنوش گل همیشه بهار

For the Treatment of the Varicose Veins

3 to 4 times of the daily consumption of the following herbal teas would reduce varicose veins by strengthening, removing the accumulated

proteins, improving the peripheral circulation, and reducing the accumulated water.


Marigold tea has an effective anti-inflammatory properties; it reduces the incidence of the varicose veins. Moreover, it is used in the

ointments for the treatment of the sunburn and the skin irritation (itching).


The blueberry tea helps to form the connective tissues that are necessary for strengthening of the veins. The strengthened veins would

resist the varicose veins better.

Witch Hazel (A Kind of Hazel) and the White Bark Oak

Tea made of the mentioned plants prevents the varicose veins from pain and inflammation. 

Butcher’s Broom 

The evergreen shrub that is called Jew`s myrtle or the holly box. Tea made of this plant has been traditionally used in Europe and Asia for

the treatment of varicose veins; it would strengthen the veins and the circulation. The leaves of this plant contain the effective steroidal

saponin; it causes the contractions of the varicose veins and reduces the caused inflammation. 

Ginkgo, Ginger, and Angelica Tree

Tea made of each of these plants improves the circulation; the improved leg circulation would reduce the pressure in the veins. 

Cayenne Pepper

The active ingredient in cayenne pepper (or chili) is capsaicin; it stimulates the peripheral circulation. If you don`t like to add pepper to your

tea, you can add it to your hot chocolate. 


Dandelion tea is a mild diuretic. It releases the accumulated water and relieves the caused inflammation.


This essay is translated by Mojgan Salmani

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